Coming soon...

Unleash Hell, Artificial Insanity
Many of us have wondered when the End of Days might occur. It is actually quite sooner than many of you think. That is if we as a species don’t act now to voice our strongest objection to the current state of affairs we find ourselves in. Mankind's will is the only thing that can stop it.
With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and mechanical humanoid robots (Humobots), we have but a scant ten years or so before robotics takes over all of the tasks we once thought as menial; or skilled for that matter. When this occurs, we will be hard pressed to employ the masses of any nation as wealth is congregated further and further at the top. This is already a tell-tale truth as the first of the humanoid robots are making their way into our American manufacturing facilities. When this takeover, brought on by novelty and laziness happens, the self-worth of those affected by employment losses will plummet.
We as a species pride ourselves in our accomplishments and our ability to contribute to the greater good of society as a whole. Those of us who are lucky enough or skilled enough to hold a job, will retain their positions and good standing for awhile. Many however, will languish with the inability to feed either themselves or their families and fall into desperation and depression. Governments will surely try to asuage these feelings with Universal Basic Incomes and communistic wealth distribution for a time, but even that will run out. When this occurs, civil unrest will ensue regardless, as mankind does not find happiness in wealth alone and the powers of every government move to the beat of the those with the most money. As it is today, power will be even further concentrated into the hands of those most out of touch. People will continue to blame God and governments as morality decays further into madness by Man's own doing.
The authorities to be in the world over, will be hard-pressed to stop the riots, lacking the personnel and the resources to stop the reckless onslaught of their fellow man and its institutions. Many governments won’t even try to stop the mayhem, less liability on their part to feed and retrain the untold masses of unemployed. After the initial rioting has subsided, bands of people will scour both city and country-side in order to survive and feed themselves. The result of this will be mayhem; the streets and country-sides awash in blood. All of the food supplies that are currently being transported to stores on a daily basis will cease. A similar but much more acute scenario than what we experienced with the Covid-19 debacle, when foodstuffs and toiletries were halted or took months to be replenished.
Elsewhere, survivalists will head for their sanctuaries, and may at first be able to ward off the onslaught, but soon they will fall, one by one to the wave of uncertain humanity. If they are lucky enough to survive the waning affront to their well-being, they will soon be faced with another much more serious dilemma, just how long might one stay in these man-made tombs without going crazy or worrying about how long their meager supplies might last?
During this time of crisis, an outstanding question will once again arise; How do we sustain the resources of the planet? A green question surely, but one that has been asked and answered on the screen and throughout our literature countless times to no conclusion. This time, it will not be answered by you or I, but by use of AI. The answer has already been calculated many times before by the powers that be...destroy the human-based units that infest the planet Earth; destroy the "worthless eaters."
For those that have survived to this time, they will face evil leaders, their fellow desperate man, and now machine. This is already evident in the Ukrainian war, with the use of robotic dogs, who take point and spy on their adversary, or worse. Humobots, as they were called, are alredy making their way into our daily lives under the guise of efficency and ease.
All of these eminent signs are noteworthy, as we are just beginning to see the effect robotics has in our lives. Along with the degradation of individual societies, there is the need to preserve the institutions which made them viable in the first place. With the advent of this chaos on the domestic fronts there will be world-wide war finally out in the open; make no mistake, it has already begun. Two remaining super powers will fight and spread disaster like a plague to all corners of the Earth, trying to usurp the last remnants of our food supplies.
There is more to this story than we can even imagine. This will be the moment when the robots rise...